The objective of the DEDICATE project was prepare distance education courses on information searching and evaluation of information skills. These were based on programmes developed under the EU Telematics for Libraries Program EDUCATE project and programmes for networked learner support, developed under the NetLinkS project, allowing both asynchronous and synchronous communication modes. The project also predicted the preparation of documentation.
The distance education courses were prepared and tested at four library sites in Technological Universities in Estonia, Hungary, Latvia and Lithuania and at the International Centre for Information Management, Systems and Services, in Torun, Poland.
In the distance education programme we cooperated with library staff, who prepared courses on searching for information in physics. At the same time library staff were delivering training in the access, evaluation and use of information resources in a networked environment. Prepared in cooperation with academic teachers courses were taught to students in the Physics Department of NCU.
DEDICATE courses can be used as models for distance education in libraries in all Europe.
The DEDICATE project encouraged co-operation between libraries in western and eastern Europe.
The course, Searching Information - PHYSICS prepared under ICIMSS guidance, is used also by internet users.